Introductions for the SD4EJ Tiger Team

I'm Barron Henderson at the US EPA in the Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. I am interested in advancing the application of satellite data in air quality applications including communication, scientific understanding and use in planning/management. I work to bring satellite data into many of the things our office does. I've been a part of many Tiger Teams and look forward to this one.
Hello, this is Talat Odman. I am Principal Research Engineer at Georgia Institute of Technology. My research focuses on air quality and health impacts of emissions from various sources including airports, seaports and prescribed burns. I am interested in investigating the distribution of those impacts by social and economic groups.
Hi all, I'm Amy Christiansen, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Missouri - Kansas City. I am starting to get involved in EJ work using low-cost particulate matter sensors around the KC metro area in collaboration with EPA Region 7. We are doing a pilot project currently, and I'm very interested in incorporating satellite information into our efforts. Eventually, we want to bring the local community into this research.
Hello, everyone! I'm Carissa Hoium, Environmental Health program leader at Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. The Alliance received an EPA grant for community air monitoring in areas of Milwaukee with high asthma burden. We are establishing the Love My Air program here in Milwaukee. Through this program, we will install air quality sensors at select schools in the Milwaukee Public Schools district. We will engage schools in air quality monitoring activities through involvement in air quality campaigns (like anti-idling), student engagement and leadership, school STEAM curriculum/community science monitoring using sensors, and education and awareness programs for students, families and the community. The community will also receive education about how to access the neighborhood-level air quality data from those sensors, what the data means, and the action steps tied to that data so that residents have both the tools and knowledge necessary to respond to asthma-related air quality risk factors. (Learn more here). Sarah Kroening is managing this program, and we look forward to partnering with this team as we move forward.
Hi All! I am Sarah Kroening, Environmental Health program manager at Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. I am managing the Love My Air program, explained by Carissa above. While our current focus is Milwaukee, we hope this program proves to be impactful and expands across the state. We also have many partnerships in in the state of Wisconsin, and have a partnership with Love My Air Denver. We value the expertise of this team! We are excited to share our work with you all and to learn ways to enhance our program using satellite information!
Hi! My name is Erika Figueroa-Solis and am I postdoctoral research fellow at UTHealth Houston working under Dr. Qian Xiao. My previous research background focused on occupational health, but has now shifted to environmental justice issues. I am working along with Dr. Xiao and the CDC Tiger Team on an EJI scoping review focused on the intersection of physical and social environmental exposures and its effects on individual and neighborhood-level prevalence of chronic diseases. Looking forward to future collaborations!
Hi Everyone! I'm Mary Haynes, a Master of Public Health student at UTHealth School of Public Health. I am currently working under Dr. Xiao as a Graduate Research Assistant for the SD4EJ Tiger Team, where I coordinate our monthly Tiger Team meetings. I have a background in geography and my current research interests focus on health disparities, social determinants of health, and environmental justice. I am very excited to be a part of this team and get to learn about the impactful research and community projects that everyone is a part of!