AGU 23 - Sessions of interest

Jenny Bratburd

Staff member
Hi all! Are you attending the American Geophysical Union conference (AGU23) in San Francisco? Share your sessions and thoughts on the AGU meeting in this thread!

I'm looking forward to:
  • GH12A. Connecting NASA Earth Science Applications with Community Health Stakeholders: Using Open Science to Create Innovative Solutions
    • Oral session: Monday, December 11, 10:20 - 11:50 AM PT, Moscone Center West, Level 2, 2014
    • Poster session: Monday, December 11, 2:10-6:30 PT Poster Hall A-C South (Exhibition Level, South MC)
  • Sharing on talk about HAQAST outreach during the SY33A: Building Skills to Translate Earth Science to Impact on Wednesday, December 13, MC 2007 - West
  • And we'll be having a HAQAST meet-up on Sunday, December 10th at 5:00 PT at Johnny Foley's Irish House!
What sessions are you excited about?