Introductions from ARSET SD4EJ Training Participants

Carl Malings

New member
Hello all!

I'm Carl Malings, an assistant research scientist at Morgan State University working at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and one of the trainers in the NASA ARSET Satellite Data for Air Quality Environmental Justice and Equity Applications (SD4EJ) 2023 training. I'll be presenting in Part 2, covering the various satellite data products available for air quality applications. In addition to being an ARSET trainer, I research new methods of combining different types of air quality information from models, satellites, regulatory monitors, and low-cost sensors, trying to improve our ability to estimate and forecast air quality at local to global scales. You can take a look at some of my previous work published here.

In this thread, we're encouraging anyone who attends the ARSET SD4EJ training and is interested in connecting with others working in this area to, if you wish, post your name, organization, and your motivation or interest interest in using satellite data for EJ applications. We hope that this will help participants in this training connect with each other and build a community. Feel free to contact each other here and start collaborating!

- Carl
I am Peter Williams and currently work for the Caribbean Public Health Agency. I have been advocating for better use of satellite data for better understanding the impacts of air quality, heat, water quality and other environmental factors; especially how these factors interact with each other to worsen health issues. I hope this course will help me to better understand how to get good satellite data to use in communications with regional decision makers on how to better guard the health of our populations here.

I'm interested in connecting with people from this course. Feel free to find me on LinkedIn:
Hello everyone, I'm Mithun Dutta from Bangladesh. I am working as a Research Officer in the Initiative for Climate Change and Health at the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b). Recently, we have developed a climate change and health resource website ( We website provides real time air quality data using IQAir Outdoor device.
Hello from Egypt.
I'm Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing Specialist.

Interested in the intersection between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Sciences (Cognitive Computing, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems, Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics and Computational Spectroscopy).

I have a spectrum of technical background including: Bio-informatics, Chemo-informatics, Geo-informatics, Geo-AI, Spectral Signature and Earth Observation Analytics.

Hi, I'm Sarah Chang, and I am a recent graduate from Swarthmore College with a bachelor's in physics and a minor in environmental studies. I'm currently applying to graduate school programs in atmospheric/oceanic science and continuing to explore different ways to apply my skills in the to support environmental justice. Feel free to reach out if you're looking for graduate students!
Hi everyone! I am Jerrold Acdan, a PhD candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. I have experience running air quality models (specifically WRF-Chem) and using TROPOMI satellite data for air pollution research. By taking this ARSET training, I hope to learn about different socioeconomic datasets that I can incorporate in my research to perform environmental justice analyses.

If you're interested in any of my work:
Let's connect on LinkedIn:
Hello all,

I am Odon Sanchez Ccoyllo from university called "Universidad Nacional Tecnologica de Lima Sur". I want to lear how to make map of TROPOMI NO2 in Lima city. Thanks so much
Hello! We will be covering how to download TROPOMI NO2 data during today's training, but I would also direct you to an earlier ARSET training which covered TROPOMI data in more detail:

High Resolution NO2 Monitoring From Space with TROPOMI

Hello from Egypt.
I'm Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing Specialist.

Interested in the intersection between Artificial Intelligence and Natural Sciences (Cognitive Computing, Modelling and Simulation of Complex Systems, Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics and Computational Spectroscopy).

I have a spectrum of technical background including: Bio-informatics, Chemo-informatics, Geo-informatics, Geo-AI, Spectral Signature and Earth Observation Analytics.

(Youssef Bakr)
(Computational Chemist & Remote Sensing Specialist),
(Expert Systems Department),
(Climate Change Information Center and Renewable Energy),
(Ministry of Agriculture _,
(Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing Specialist),
(MOA Unit, Egyptian National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)),
(Ministry of Agriculture _,
(PhD Student),
(African Natural Resources Department),
(Faculty of African Postgraduate Studies),
(Cairo University).
Hi everyone, I am Melvin George from Mels 3D LABS, my own company. I live in India. I am an engineer who designs 3D printers and softwares. I have remote sensing application training from Indian space research organisation (ISRO) Space is always an interesting topic to me, I would love to learn more and maybe use some of the info in my area of expertise. Such as LIDAR recently used in 3D printing, 3D scans for modeling etc.
Hello Elaine Cimino Common Ground Rising (EJ group) in the early adopter program on the TEMPO sateillite Working on data validation and interested in EJ data integration of sat data, the cost benefits on health and economy and equity data. We had a plastics fire AUGt 6 th in Albuquerque, NM. I was looking for data on this event as well.
Hello! My name is Jiheon Lee who is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban engineering Dept. in Chungbuk National University in South Korea. Current research topic is on the establishing IWRM strategies and plans considering deep uncertainty in line with climate change adaptation and carbon neutral policy. My speciality lies in HSPF watershed modeling, to tackle the water quantity and water quality environmental issues in a secure manner. Due to the linkage of water and mass balances troubles with watershed recourses allocation, counter measures are closely connected with planning LULC considering sewage treatment areas and allocating reflecting various cutting edge tech. based BMPs and proper policy measures spatiotemporally. I have extra interests on some satellite imagery processing techniques, artificial Intelligence, open-source programming and various tech based solutions. In my opinion, in order to tackle the Multi-Hazard issues by droughts, floods and etc. originated from climate change and manmade development, we need to develop more integrated plans considering not only basic man made infrastructures with with techs. but also genuine nature as well.
Hola a todos mis nombres es Danny Vasco, soy Ing. Biotecnología Ambiental graduado de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo -Ecuador, me involucré en el mundo de la teledetección por el gran potencial que tiene en varios campos de aprovechamiento ambiental y social espero aprender de sus experiencias para en un futuro no muy lejano realizar investigaciones en mi área.

Feel free to add me :
Hi, I am Susan Aragon I am a research fellow at INPA-NAPRO, in Rondônia, Brazil. I am interested in learning how to use RS applications to monitor air pollution caused by fires on health of urban population. The fire season has started here already this year and it is getting worst each year.
Greetings, everyone! I'm Madhesh Velu, a Citizen Scientist affiliated with @NASA. Currently, I am pursuing my B.Tech in Computer Science and Business Systems at Anna University. My research focuses on climate change, specifically in the realm of Air quality monitoring. NASA's satellite data offers invaluable insights into various air pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O3). These datasets are crucial for monitoring air quality, pinpointing pollution sources, and gaining a deeper understanding of how air pollutants are distributed in space and time. I leverage these datasets to analyze environmental issues and seek innovative solutions to address them. I appreciate the opportunity provided by ARSET.

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