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Our EJ Groups is working on an a cumulative impact ordinance.
we need help from the Tiger team How does that happen?


  • Amended Petition AQCB Docket No. 2022-3 (20.11.72 NMAC) - Dropbox.pdf
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My name is Jiheon Lee who is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban engineering Dept. in Chungbuk National University in South Korea.
Current research topic is on the establishing IWRM strategies and plans considering deep uncertainty in line with climate change adaptation and carbon neutral policy. My speciality lies in HSPF watershed modeling using various dataset.
• Author
• Urban planning consultant
• MSc. & BSc. in Satellite Remote-sensing at University of Tehran
• 'Brilliant talent' in 2023 & 2022 at UT
• Member of Iran's National Elites Foundation
• Co-Founder of IranSerenity (2020)
• Creator of NeoCortex OPPN (2015) & P4E E-library (2012)