
  1. Administrator

    ARSET - Accessing and Analyzing Air Quality Data from Geostationary Satellites 2024-09-16

    This NASA ARSET tutorial describes datasets and tools for using geostationary data, including GOES-East, GOES-West, Himawari 8, and the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS).
  2. Administrator

    NASA Worldview Tutorial 2024-09-16

    NASA Worldview is the best starting point for users new to satellite data and is freely available online. Worldview provides the capability to interactively browse global, full-resolution satellite imagery and then download the underlying data. Most of the 400+ available products are updated...
  3. elizabethrjoyner


    Check out the Air Quality Data Pathfinder for AQ Tools. We feature general tools, as well as tools to help access, download, subset, etc. for specific parameters and datasets. Available from main landing page: Available from Find the Data (parameter pages, AOD in this case): Reach out if you...
  4. Jennifer McGinnis

    Python Tutorials

    Does anyone know of a good resource for learning python? I would like to learn how to work with different file formats and learn more about visualizing data. Thanks in advance!