Recent content by elizabethrjoyner

  1. elizabethrjoyner

    What about other flood hazards?

    Check out these ARSET trainings specifically to floods: Earth Observations for Disaster Risk Assessment & Resilience Monitoring and Modeling Floods using Earth...
  2. elizabethrjoyner

    Python Tutorials

    Have you checked out The Carpentries?
  3. elizabethrjoyner

    PM2.5 Datasets

    Check out
  4. elizabethrjoyner


    Check out the Air Quality Data Pathfinder for AQ Tools. We feature general tools, as well as tools to help access, download, subset, etc. for specific parameters and datasets. Available from main landing page: Available from Find the Data (parameter pages, AOD in this case): Reach out if you...
  5. elizabethrjoyner

    Investigating Air Quality in NASA Worldview and Giovanni

    The NASA Air Quality Data Pathfinder provides many direct links to Worldview and Giovanni for AQ-related datasets. If you would like a walk-through, reach out!
  6. elizabethrjoyner

    Introductions for the SD4EJ Tiger Team

    Hey everyone. I am Elizabeth Joyner, Community Coordinator for NASA's Earth Science Data Systems. I look forward to sharing NASA Earth data resources with you and learning about your use case. Feel free to email me at [email protected] and via LinkedIn. Let's connect.